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How does an Individual Obtain U.S. Citizenship?


An individual obtains citizenship either through:






What is Naturalization?


Naturalization is the process by which U.S. Citizenship is granted to Lawful Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders)

after they have met certain requirements.

In order to apply for Naturalization, one must file Form N-400.



What is Acquisition?


Acquisition of citizenship is obtained through the U.S. Citizen parents, either by birth or after birth, but before the age of 18




What are the benefits of Citizenship?

Citizen is very important for our clients because of the benefits that come with naturalization. These benefits include:


·the ability to vote

·the right to obtain certain restricted employment

·the ability to travel without restriction

·Easing the process of filing a family-based petition.


and perhaps most importantly,


·U.S. Citizens cannot be deported under any circumstances, unless they obtained their citizenship status through fraud.



What are the requirements to apply for Naturalization?


·Age: If filing for citizenship on your own (not through a parent), you must be at least 18 years of age

·Residency: You must be a lawful permanent resident status

·Physical Presence: You must meet certain physical presence requirements, meaning that you can prove you have continuously resided in the United States, after you gained lawful permanent residence status, for five years prior to filing the naturalization application (or 3 years, if applicable).

You must also not have been absent from the United States for more than 180 days at any given time. 

·Language Requirements: You can read, write, speak and understand the English Language

(however, there are  exemptions to the English- language requirement that you may qualify for)



When can I file for Naturalization?


·If you are married to a U.S. Citizen and obtained your green card through your U.S. Citizen Marriage, you can apply for naturalization after holding lawful permanent resident status for 3 years.

·If you did not receive your green card through marriage to a U.S. Citizen, you can apply for naturalization after holding lawful permanent resident status for 5 years


Citizenship cases can be complicated and often require the help of knowledgeable professionals to obtain a successful outcome. At the Jurado Firm, we have the experience you need in handling Citizenship cases to ensure that you obtain the best possible outcome in your Citizenship case. Give us a call, our initial consultations are free of cost.

© 2023 by The Jurado Firm LLP.

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